Podcast Stryd Podcast: Optimizing your treadmill training with running power Welcome to another episode of the Stryd Power Podcast! First, thank you to Coach Steve Palladino [https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vTeJhTbZkL7XsVUK7k8hNtUPtWRrMfq4fIKJK0Q_vKDiOd4qT14aw_AzDBZTcFTq-mumpdOss4Ejv1O/pub?fbclid=IwAR3QQkIgI87yEGkMQ77vKhyQ01sKGT8rkpizbhM_fEH20Y-UpN4wQxJdiX4] for this episode's content. This episode focuses on how to optimize your treadmill training with Stryd
Podcast Stryd Podcast: How to use Stryd Power to find your VO2 and how much does wind slow you down? We're super excited to bring back the Stryd Power podcast for 2020! You can subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform by searching for "Stryd Power Podcast" or by clicking one of the links at the bottom of this post For this episode we'