Webinar: How to prepare for a monumental ultra & trail racing season with Coach Andy DuBois
When: Friday, April 3 @ 5PM MT (GMT-6) (Click here to determine the time in your time zone)
Where: Free & live on Youtube at the embed below.
If you click the following link, you will be able to access the live chat as well: https://youtu.be/oxsl8LZXKqw

Who: Coach Andy DuBois is one of the world's top ultra running coaches. He has had articles featured in magazines in Australia, Hong Kong, UK, and the US and he has been featured on podcasts such as Trail Runner Nation. He runs his own coaching business: Mile 27.
He will be quite recognizable to the Stryd Community because he is a major contributor in the community group and one of the most recognizable names in our Stryd Power Coaching group.
Why: How to prepare for a historic fall trail and ultra racing season with Coach Andy DuBois
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