New Update for COROS Watches: Execute Your Stryd Power-Based Workouts Natively

New Update for COROS Watches: Execute Your Stryd Power-Based Workouts Natively

Today, we are announcing a major upgrade to the Stryd ecosystem that makes it easier and more convenient than ever to train with running power on your COROS watch.

Now, you can import all of your Stryd workouts to your COROS account, sync those workouts to the watch, and execute those workouts with guidance natively on the watch!

Please read on to learn more about this incredible new update, the full watch compatibility list, and how you can get started with this breakthrough update today.

Automatically Sync Stryd Workouts to Your COROS Watch

Your planned workouts on the Stryd calendar automatically sync to your COROS workout calendar and are available to be executed on your COROS watch! 

All you have to do is pair your COROS account to your Stryd account, for the most convenient and easy way to sync your workouts.

If you use Final Surge, TrainingPeaks, or another platform to manage your power-based training, you can keep using the activity sync enabled by those platforms to transfer your power-based workouts to COROS.

Execute Stryd Power-Based Workouts on your COROS watch

Take full advantage of structured workouts with power-based feedback right on your COROS watch. Here’s how it works:

  • Instant Power Feedback – Your Running Power is displayed at the top of the screen with Blue, Green, and Red indicators to show whether you're below, on, or above your target zone.
  • Smart Alerts – If you drift outside your target power range for more than a few seconds, your watch will beep to guide you back on track.
  • Workout Details at a Glance – Key workout metrics, including time remaining, lap distance, and reps left in each segment, are displayed for easy tracking.
  • Countdown Beeps – As each segment nears completion, your watch will beep every second for the last five seconds to help you transition smoothly.

This update ensures you get the most out of your Stryd training, on every run with COROS. 

Stryd Structured Workout Support is Available Across COROS’s Top Watches!

COROS is adding Stryd Workout support to their most popular sportswatches: VERTIX, APEX, APEX PRO, PACE 2, & PACE 3. 

How to Get Started with the New Update

This update is available now. Tap the button below to learn how to start importing your Stryd workouts to your COROS watch today!

Wrap Up: Power-based Training Is Easier and More Convenient than Ever Before

The latest update to the Stryd ecosystem marks a significant enhancement in training with Stryd’s running power on your COROS watch. The ability to seamlessly import workouts to your COROS account, sync these to your watch, and execute them natively on the watch, is ground breaking.

Try out these new features today to upgrade your running with power experience!