Announcing the Stryd Power Coaching Group: Unlock Your Full Potential as a Power-Based Running Coach

Announcing the Stryd Power Coaching Group: Unlock Your Full Potential as a Power-Based Running Coach

Join the Stryd Power Coaching Group Today!

We are thrilled to introduce the Stryd Power Coaching Group, a comprehensive, interactive learning experience designed to elevate your coaching skills and grow your business. This group provides in-depth knowledge on applying cutting-edge power-based training principles to your coaching practice, helping you deliver exceptional results for your athletes and establish yourself as a leader in the endurance running community.

What You Will Learn

The Stryd Power Coaching Group covers a wide range of topics to enhance your coaching proficiency, including:

  • The science and fundamentals of power-based training: Understand the core concepts that revolutionize running by focusing on efficiency and precision.
  • Personalizing training plans: Use metrics like Critical Power, Power Duration Curves, and Running Stress Scores to tailor workouts and optimize performance.
  • Periodization and training plan strategies: Learn how to structure training cycles to peak at the right times.
  • Analyzing running form and injury risk: Utilize advanced Stryd metrics to improve running economy and reduce injury risk.
  • Leveraging Stryd's ecosystem and coaching tools: Save time and enhance athlete outcomes with Stryd’s comprehensive tools.
  • Growing your coaching business: Develop your profile and expand your reach with power-based training expertise.

What's Included

The group offers an extensive array of resources and support to ensure your success:

  • 10 in-depth learning modules: Covering power-based training theory and practical application.
  • Hands-on assignments: Reinforce learning and build practical coaching skills.
  • Live Q&A sessions: Regular opportunities to engage with Stryd's expert coaches and guest speakers.
  • Private Stryd Coaches' Community: Ongoing support and knowledge sharing.
  • Educational content library: Access to sample workouts, case studies, and more.
  • Exclusive discounts on Stryd products: Benefits for you and your athletes.
  • Stryd Power-Based Coach certification: Gain a credential that highlights your expertise.

Who This Group is For

Whether you are a new coach curious about power-based training or an experienced coach looking to refine your skills, the Stryd Power Coaching Group is for you. It's designed for coaches across various disciplines—road, track, trail, and triathlon—who are committed to continuing education and aiming to lead in data-driven performance coaching.

Requirements for Certification

To earn your certification as a Stryd Power-Based Coach, you must:

  • Complete all 10 learning modules and associated assignments.
  • Pass the final exam demonstrating proficiency in power-based training principles.
  • Maintain an active Stryd Power Coaching Group membership.

Business Growth & Mentorship

In addition to enhancing your coaching skills, the Stryd Power Coaching Group provides you with the resources and mentorship necessary to grow your coaching business. Our Marketing Resources section equips you with the knowledge and tools to effectively market your services, gain exposure, and establish yourself as a leading coach.

  • Grow Your Exposure on Social Media: Access tips and tutorials to create engaging content and follow proven strategies from top accounts.
  • Convert Interested Runners into Paying Clients: Utilize email marketing strategies to successfully turn prospects into paying clients.
  • Capture Interest & Market Your Services: Optimize your website and funnels to capture interest and effectively market your services.

Invest in Your Coaching Mastery

Are you already a Stryd user? Share the power of the Stryd Power Coaching Group with your coach! By encouraging your coach to join, you can ensure they are equipped with the latest tools and knowledge to enhance your training and achieve your running goals.

Coaches, don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your coaching practice. For just $99/year, you'll gain access to unparalleled education in power-based training, time-saving Stryd tools to enhance your coaching efficiency, and exclusive benefits to jumpstart your coaching business—all while connecting with a vibrant community of like-minded, passionate running coaches. Join the Stryd Power Coaching Group today and unlock your full potential as a transformational power-based running coach.

Elevate your coaching, empower your athletes, and grow your business with power!

By joining the Stryd Power Coaching Group, you are taking a significant step towards becoming a more effective and successful coach. We are excited to see you thrive and make a lasting impact on your athletes' performance.