Welcome 2024 Stryd Ambassadors!

Today, Stryd welcomes the 2024 Stryd Ambassadors, a group of runners who have demonstrated their passion for Stryd and who are eager to share their personal journeys to inspire others.
Through this program, our ambassadors will showcase the transformative impact of Stryd’s cutting-edge running power metric as well as Stryd Duo’s capability to capture detailed bilateral running movements.
By harnessing these features, our ambassadors will show how they are able to achieve their running goals, make training decisions with more confidence, and understand their progress in new ways!
Join Us in Welcoming the New Ambassadors
We welcome these 24 new Stryd Ambassadors to the team!
Fernanda Del Valle Stevens (@ferdvalle), Man Yun (@man.yun), Amanda Richardson (@plantbasedmotherrunner), Cecilia Gunawan (@cecilia_gunawan), Rachel Williams (@run_with_rach_), Nurul Juliana Shakira (@nuruljulianashakira), Sílvia Puigarnau Coma (@silviapuigarnau), Athina Binti Zulkifli (@athina.zulkifli), Esther Gutierrez (@ttringa), Novita Widjaja (@nov_widjaja), Astrid Martínez (@astridmtzv), Noelia Juan Pastor (@noeliajuan_tri), Sipumelele Mnikina (@sphu_), Connor Sensenig (@HobbyJoggerElite), Alexandre Bastos (@pacedosuisso), Sebastian Waldschütz (@sebastian_waldschuetz), David Bailis (@tourganic), Abdulaziz Salman (@3izooz), Stelvio Sanfilippo (@runningwithstelvio), Pipe Rivera (@piperiveradiaz), Juan Ariza (@juanarizacoach), Eduardo Ferreira (@edferreira15), Kenny Tan (@kenny_tan168), Manu Sánchez (@manusanchez_92)
You can follow their journey with Stryd by following their respective Instagram / Youtube / TikTok pages.
Welcome aboard, ambassadors – your impact will undoubtedly be felt throughout the Stryd community!