COROS provides native & full Stryd compatibility

The running power revolution is taking a big step forward today thanks to a new integration between Stryd & COROS!
COROS is now providing one of the best running with Stryd experiences with full & native Stryd compatibility on their watches!
Here is why this integration is noteworthy & among the best integrations available:
- Full Stryd metric support
- Support is provided across a wide range of COROS watches
- Automatic data syncing
- First-class pace & distance support from Stryd
- Customizable data screens
- Syncing of Stryd's Critical Power directly to the watch
- Power-based structured workouts
Let's jump into the features!

Stryd support is available across COROS's top watches
COROS is adding Stryd support to their most popular sportswatches: VERTIX, APEX, APEX PRO, and their new PACE 2.
All of these watches provide the same excellent & complete Stryd support.

Full Stryd metric support
COROS watches capture all of Stryd's metrics including Power, Form Power, Air Power, Leg Spring Stiffness, Ground Time, and Vertical Oscillation.
This is the first time that a sportswatch brand has supported all of Stryd's metrics from the moment you pair the watch. This means it is very easy to set up and receive all the data you want from your COROS & Stryd!

Automatic data syncing
You can connect your COROS account to PowerCenter so that your activities containing Stryd data automatically import into your account for analysis.

Critical Power syncing
After you connect your COROS account to PowerCenter, your Stryd Critical Power will automatically sync to your watch to support your power-based training!
If you use auto-calculated Critical Power, your most up-to-date Critical Power will always be available on the watch.

Power-based structured workouts & training plans
You can create step-by-step power-based structured workouts within the COROS app and execute those workouts on the watch.
You can also select a prebuilt power-based training plan from Stryd within the COROS app and execute the daily workouts from a training plan on your watch as well.
First-class pace & distance support
All of these watches support pace & distance from Stryd, while GPS is on!
Customizable data screens
You can easily customize your data screens so you can look at your running power any way you want! You can see real time power, lap power, overall averaged power and more power views!
Get started now

If you already own a COROS watch but do not yet have Stryd, you can order Stryd here:
If you already own a COROS watch & Stryd, please see our help center to get started:
If you would like to purchase a compatible COROS watch, you should visit COROS's website here:
The Stryd Team wants to extend a big thank you to COROS for the excellent Stryd integration. This release will help runners who have or want a COROS watch to get the most out of Stryd's data. We also expect that this release will help all Stryders because it will set a new standard for Stryd integration in the running tech industry!