Webinar: The Story of Seven Season's Best Performances
When: Thursday, May 21 @ 11AM MT (GMT-6) (Click here to determine the time in your time zone)
Where: Free & live on Youtube at the embed below. If you click the following link, you will be able to access the live chat as well: https://youtu.be/6E39o_Cf43c

Who: Evan Schwartz and Angus Nelson from the Stryd Team.
Why: The Stryd Team will be analyzing seven races/time trails from the same racing season to show you how you should compare different max efforts across different distances using power data and what workouts led up to the performances!
Topic List:
- How you can fit frequent racing into your training schedule by managing stress load and training according to your Critical Power
- How to compare max efforts across different distances using power data
- The power-based workouts that led up to these season's best race efforts
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