Webinar: Presenting the Stryd metrics you should analyze after every workout to see if your fitness is improving
When: Friday, May 1 @ 11AM MT (GMT-6) (Click here to determine the time in your time zone)
Where: Free & live on Youtube at the embed below. If you click the following link, you will be able to access the live chat as well: https://youtu.be/fMkRaepbkr4

Who: Evan Schwartz and Angus Nelson from the Stryd Team.
Why: The Stryd Team will be presenting the best Stryd metrics to gauge to see if your fitness is improving
Topic List:
- The metrics you should be looking at after every workout
- Positive and negative trends you should look out for
- Workout tips to move your metrics in the right direction
- The importance of tagging your workouts so you can compare against similar activities from the past
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