Webinar: How to tell if your fitness is progressing using Stryd data -- even without racing opportunities!
When: Friday, April 17 @ 11AM MT (GMT-6) (Click here to determine the time in your time zone)
Where: Free & live on Youtube at the embed below.If you click the following link, you will be able to access the live chat as well: https://youtu.be/K9FmiFWHt5g

Who: Evan Schwartz and Angus Nelson from the Stryd Team.
Why: With Stryd, you can tell if your fitness and skills are improving even without racing opportunities. Evan and Angus will tell you what Stryd data you need to be monitoring for improvements.
Topic List:
- How to monitor your Critical Power, Leg Spring Stiffness, power stability, and training routine to tell if you are making gains in your fitness and improvements in your running skills
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