Webinar: Healthy running practices with Dr. Josh Emdur, D.O.
If you click the following link, you will be able to access the live chat as well: https://youtu.be/sglQ1O7byiM
Key points:
10:38: How running supports a healthy immune system
- Running helps but running does not guarantee that you have a great immune system.
- It is important to have a balanced approach to your training during this time period. Moderate exercise has been proven to help your immune system. Your immune system may be at risk if you are sustaining excess training loads.
- If approached right, running is tremendously beneficial for your health.
- The baseline of the correct volume is different for everyone. If you are used to running a ton already, you will not need to decrease your training to a bare minimum. If you are not running at all, you shouldn’t jump your training volume or intensity up too quickly.
- Stress is stress. Stress can be physical or mental. You have to balance the physical stress from running against the stress from your daily life if you are trying to maintain a healthy immune system.
- If you are trying to figure out the right balance of intensity and volume, here is a good rule of thumb: you should always finish a run feeling better than when you felt when you started.
- It is not necessary to do a ton of high quality training work right now. If you can maintain your base level fitness, that is enough.
- It is more important than ever to remember that at least 80% of your training should be fairly easy.
- It is important to have a tool like heart rate or Stryd to quantify how hard you are training so you can ensure you are running easy.
24:45: Break for questions
- Doctor Emdur primarily recommends supplementing for deficiencies.
- There is no set of baseline supplements that everyone needs to take.
- It is fine to do high intensity interval work as long as you feel better after the workouts. Some studies show that a vigorous stimulus can improve your immune system. You don’t want to run yourself into the ground or feel worse after a workout.
- If you are looking to stay healthy while running, it is more important to decrease your chance of exposure to pathogens than it is to worry too much about getting the training stimulus right.
- Most endurance athletes are low in Vitamin D.
38:22: Things to be mindful of for endurance runners
- You should be mindful of social distancing while running.
- Dr. Emdur runs with a mask to show that wearing a mask is important to others and as a sign of solidarity.
- You should not be afraid to run outside if you are allowed to and will not be forced to be around too many people.
44:30: The importance of tele-health in battling the pandemic
- Tele-health will play a large role in the future of health because it allows for greater access to medical professionals. This expanded access is especially important during the pandemic because it is fast and available to nearly everyone.
- Tele-health prevents emergency rooms and hospitals from being overrun with people who are only experiencing mild symptoms.
- It also helps keep people healthy because people can check-in with a doctor more frequently and establish a long term relationship so that they can consistently improve their overall health.

Who: Dr. Josh Emdur is a board-certified family medicine physician with a passion for providing personal and high value medical care that embraces the use of technology.
He is also an avid and high performing runner who has run the Boston and New York City marathons numerous times.
Why: Healthy running practices with Dr. Josh Emdur, D.O.
Topic List:
- How running supports a healthy immune system
- How much running is too much or too little
- Other smart training and precautions that runners can make
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