Webinar: Recover from nagging injuries & smart treadmill training with Physical Therapist Malcolm Macaulay
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3:18: What to do if you are being forced to train on the treadmill when you typically would not be indoors
- Put the treadmill at a 2% incline to emulate a more realistic outdoor running experience.
- Give yourself plenty of time to warm up because running on the treadmill requires slightly different mechanics.
- Start the speed out slow when you start running on the treadmill.
- Ensure you are balanced by rotating your head and looking around so you don’t fall off if you get distracted by something or someone.
- Ensure you are calm and you are breathing through your diaphragm. Treadmill running can make some runners nervous and throw them off their normal breathing pattern.
- The treadmill is an excellent opportunity to work on your cadence and mechanics.
- You don’t need to always run forward on the treadmill. You can go side to side and backwards at a slow speed. This lets you work on and strengthen muscles in different planes.
8:38: How should you handle the hotter, more humid environment when running indoors?
- Ensure you are drinking fluid when running on the treadmill.
- A towel is a useful tool as well to stay cool.
- There is extra and novel muscle tension when running on the treadmill. Sometimes, it takes a few training sessions to adjust to the differences of the treadmill.
- Fast walking is a skill that runners neglect. A fast walk can be productive. It helps build hip and ankle mobility.
- Fast walking takes a different set of muscles that helps injury prevention and injury recovery.
- A good workout option if you cannot run is to walk at 4MPH at 5% incline for 2 minute and then walk at a slower speed at 15% incline for 2 minutes. You can do this for 30-60 minutes. This can be useful in the case of injury recovery and be as close to running as you are going to get without actually running.
17:35: A warmup protocol on the treadmill
- 1 minute walk at 2-3% incline
- Shuffle sideways for 30 strides
- Backwards for 30 strides
- Shuffle sideways for 30 more strides on the other side
- Repeat the shuffling pattern again
- This will loosen up your muscle and loosen up your breathing.
23:00: First break for questions
- A small treadmill incline is not necessarily only to account for the missing wind resistance compared to outdoor running. A small incline can feel more natural and more comparable to running outdoors due to the moving beltway.
- A treadmill + slow motion video can be a useful tool for collecting information on your running form.
28:05: How to handle long term or nagging injuries
- It is critical to stretch your PSOAS muscle.
- A tight PSOAS can have cascading effects across the rest of the body.
- You can disregard nearly all other stretches except a stretch on the hip flexor.
- Minimal weights are needed to complete core-strengthening one-legged exercises.
- Malcolm does a visual demonstration of some one-legged exercises you can do.
- It is important to foam roll the whole body. This actives the lymph node system, the fascia, and core muscles.
41:27: Second break for questions
- A discussion and demonstration of a mobility strategy to help handle Morton’s Neuroma.
- A discussion of how to handle sciatica symptoms using backwards and sideways walking on the treadmill.
- It takes longer than you think to recondition muscle and bone to impact forces after an injury.
48:00: An in-depth discussion & demonstration of the LightSpeed Lift bodyweight support system, its uses for recovery, and its uses for pro runners
Thank you to Malcolm for joining us today!
If you would like to follow Malcolm & LightSpeed Lift, you can the LightSpeed Lift system on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/lightspeedlift/ & you can find the website here: https://lightspeedlift.com/

Why: Recover from nagging injuries & smart treadmill training with Physical Therapist Malcolm Macaulay
Topic list:
- Effective training on the treadmill if you are confined indoors
- This time period is a unique opportunity to heal long term, nagging injuries
- Solutions to common issues that physical therapists are encountering
- Use of the LightSpeed system for rehab and recovery
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