Android Update: Accelerate running gains with Stryd’s recommended balance of stress & rest

Running Stress Balance in now available on the Stryd Android App

Now, Stryd can help you hit the training sweet spot with the Running Stress Balance feature. You will know if you are resting enough to extract maximal benefits from your recent training. This give you the best chance at accelerating your fitness gains and achieving your goals quicker.
How to update: You can access this new feature by downloading the latest version of the Android app from the Play Store. Click here to visit the Stryd app on the Google Play Store>>
Running Stress Balance breaks your training state into six different categories.

If you are in the Overreaching category, you have placed a tremendous amount of stress on your body in a short amount of time. If you do find yourself in this state, we recommend that you allow your body sufficient rest so you do not risk injury from overtraining.
If you are in the Cautionary category, your training volume has considerably ramped up. You should be careful not to remain in this category for an extended amount of time or push your way into the Overreaching category because you will likely see diminishing returns from your efforts. Ideally, you should allow for some extra recovery in order to move to a Productive status.
If you are in the Productive or Maintenance category, you are in the sweet spot between stress and recovery. Your fitness is steadily improving because you are stressing your body and then letting your body adapt and improve from that stress. Ideally, you want to be regularly shifting between the Productive category and Maintenance categories to establish a rhythm of steady improvement.
If you are in the Performance category, you are race day ready. You have allowed your body to fully adapt from the recent training so you will be fresh for the race. This is the perfect status to be in if you want to give yourself the best chance of setting a new personal record on race day.
If you are in the N/A category, your recent training has not been enough to contribute to your fitness. You will soon reach a state of detraining. We recommend to ramp up your training to move back to a Productive or Maintenance state in order to achieve beneficial training.
How to update: You can access this new feature by downloading the latest version of the Android app from the Play Store. Click here to visit the Stryd app on the Google Play Store>>
What is next for Android?
Our Android developer is hard at work to catch up with the blazing speed of our Stryd iOS updates.
In the next Android update, you can expect the Calendar & Filtering feature and the ability to setup auto-sync accounts, such as Garmin, Suunto, and Polar auto-sync, on your phone.
Order Stryd for the fall racing season
You may not be able to make many improvements before your final fall races this year, but you can take Stryd along to record your final training runs and your big races. This is invaluable data because you can use this data as a performance baseline for your next training cycle.
Click here to visit the Stryd store if you would like to place an order>>