Training and Racing with Power

How to use a Stryd Power Meter to Prepare for an 'A' Race
!(Bud Talbot)[/content/images/2016/07/Bud-Talbot--1-.png]
Stryd Ambassador Bud Talbot has been using a Stryd power meter for a little over a year in preparation for his 'A' race, the Leadville Trail Marathon.
Just this month, Bud shared an insightful blog post on how he has adapted his training from the usual pace, heart rate and general note-taking approach to a more methodical power-based training.
For anyone ready to introduce power to their training, Bud's report is a great intro to how to use the metric and take the plunge to power it up!
Read his full Running with Power report here
Speed Training, Hill Repeats and Long Runs
Bud outlines three different types of training runs and how he used the power metric to fine tune the efficiency and effectiveness of the sessions:
- 1 hour workout with speed training
- Hill training session
- 2.5 hour long run using lap averaging
In order to get the best out of the power based training program (created by Boulder coach Mike Ricci of D3 Multisport) he clearly explains how he knocked out the Critical Power Test to set his power zones and how often he repeated the test to make any necessary zone adjustments.
Read the full details on Bud's blog
The Learning Curve
Bud is the kind of athlete who lays it out there and lets the data speak for itself. In looking at the raw data with his coach, Bud let the numbers show his efficiency index vs. intensity factor.
This metric alone made it clear that speed work is in his future and that he has to learn to be more efficient at higher power zones.
And so that's where his training is heading next!
Bud also gave some detailed reports of his 'B' race (Boulder Mountain Half) and 'A' Race (Leadville Trail Marathon) and how he used power during the races.
Leadville Trail Marathon - Racing Up High
Boulder Mountain Marathon - Racing with Stryd
Are you ready to power up your running? Join the Stryd Community on Facebook to have all your #runningwithpower questions answered.